Services Directory

Below is a listing of common issues and the corresponding entities to call to report the problem. Please call 911 for emergencies.


City of Wilmington’s Report It/Resolve It Program


Submit a non-emergency request for service (e.g., pothole) or log a complaint and it will be routed to the responsible Public Works division, which will then investigate the problem and take the necessary steps to resolve it.

You will be notified electronically once the request has been submitted and be kept up-to-date on the progress of your request or complaint. It is important that you provide accurate information so we can keep you informed.

At this time, the Wilmington’s Report It/Resolve It website only handles requests and complaints to the Department of Public Works. If you do not see a category for your desired request, or your request has not been resolved or acknowledged within two business days, please contact the Public Works Call Center at (302) 576-3878.

Safety Escort Service

Call (302) 425-4200 x1 to request a free Safety Escort anywhere within the neighborhood, seven days a week; Monday – Friday 8:15 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.; weekends 9:15 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. 

Non-Emergency Phone Number

The City of Wilmington non-emergency police number is (302) 654-5151

City of Wilmington Appearance 

Downtown Visions takes care of the following appearance issues: Graffiti, litter, overflowing public trash bins, overgrown trees and weeds, missing trees and broken or hazardous limbs.  For any of these issues, please call (302) 425-4200 all other appearance issues should be directed to Public Works at (302) 576-386.


For more information on homeless services click here.

Please contact us with any concerns or questions at (302) 425-4200

Download our homeless resource guide.