

This Wednesday evening, the play #BlackJobsMatter, A Wilmington Experiment, will be performed at World Cafe Live at the Queen. I'll invite Professor Gregory Lloyd Morris to share about it:

Click Here to Reserve your tickets for FREE.

Here's more information:

#blackjobsmatter…a Wilmington experiment, is a one-act play that briefly examines the lives of unemployed blacks in the city of Wilmington, from three different perspectives. 

#blackjobsmatter…a Wilmington experiment is a movement born out of the desire to employ the over 9000+ unemployed black men in the City of Wilmington. The movement is based on three key areas:

  1. The solution to the crime problem is not more cops. It is jobs.
  2. The solution to better academic performance of inner city kids is not new schools or different teachers, it is a safe nurturing home so our kids can do their homework and get parental encouragement. Jobs bring the father back into the home and create that atmosphere.
  3. The solution to balancing the city's budget is to get people off of welfare and onto the tax-paying rolls. Jobs do that.

 The overall result of these things is to restore respect for parents and for themselves.

WHEN: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM (EDT) 

WHERE: Queen Theater - 500 N. Market st. , Wilmington, Delaware 19801 


I hope you will join me at this important event.
