FREE Parking in Downtown Wilmington DE | Downtown Wilmington

FREE Parking in Downtown Wilmington DE


There are plenty of free parking options to accommodate residents and visitors, and with extended Curbside valet options taking a trip Downtown has never been easier!

You can continue to take advantage of FREE valet parking during Curbside Wilmington on Friday and Saturday nights through May 2021. The valet station is centrally located at the corner of 7th & Market Streets.

Downtown residents may park in any of the following Colonial Parking lots for a discounted rate as well! Starting May 1, 2021, they are offering a resident rate of $50.00/month on the surface lots located at 5th & Orange Street, 6th & Orange Street, and 7th & Orange Street, plus a $25/month rate at the 8th & West Street Lot. Contact Colonial directly at 302.651.3600 to take advantage of this offer!

Additionally, the Wilmington Parking Authority lot at 8th & Orange Streets is free and open to the public if you enter after 6 pm during the week and all day on the weekends. Del-Tech is also providing free parking to support Lower Market Street businesses in Lot 4 on the Southwest Corner of 2nd & Shipley Streets through June 30, 2021. Please be advised that overnight parking in the Del-Tech lot is not permitted.

Parking inn Downtown Wilmington DE

This public parking map is complete with maximum daily rates*, garage, and open lot locations as well as information on metered parking so your next trip into Wilmington, DE is easy breezy. Special thanks to Colonial ParkingWilmington Parking AuthoritySP+Downtown Visions, and The City of Wilmington, DE for compiling this information.

*Rates are subject to change without notice.