
Explore our history!

Our friends at the Quaker Hill Historic Preservation Foundation are bringing history to life in Wilmington!

This Saturday, come out for a FREE interactive, family friendly Underground Railroad workshop in the historic Wilmington Friends Meeting House. Enjoy PIZZA while educator Darleen Amobi innovatively teaches about the struggles and creativity of Freedom Seekers such as Henry "Box" Brown. Courtesy of the DE Humanties Forum, prepare to be regaled by the first person account of Private James Elbert: African-American Delawarean, solider in the Union Army and hero of Polktown.

I hope you will take advantage of this great opportunity!


Downtown Meet & Greet with the Mayor Elect

Great things happen when we all get together - and that's what we want to see on Tuesday, December 6.

Downtown Visions and the City of Wilmington are holding a public event at the Delaware Historical Society (504 N. Market Street) with Mayor Elect Mike Purzycki and Delaware History Museum President Scott Loehr.

Here's the details:

I hope you will join us!


Celebrating History Downtown

Downtown Wilmington is packed with the story of immigrant families building and growing our community.

Our friends at the Delaware Historical Society are presenting a program on the immigrant experience on June 30.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

7:00 p.m. 


Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month

with the Delaware Historical Society!

In this special program, 

we will show the short documentary film, Ellis

hear the stories of those from around the world 

who have made Delaware their home, 

and view a range of collections objects 

that tell the immigration experience of the First State. 


After the program, attendees are invited
to participate in the Ramadan Iftar,
or breaking of the fast at sunset
with traditional foods from the Muslim community.



Please click here for additional details. 


This program is FREE and open to the public. 

Reservations required deinfo@dehistory.org

or (302) 655-7161


I hope you will join us for this informative event.




A look at Downtown Wilmington's rich history

Downtown Wilmington has a truly impressive history - and our friends at WITN, Channel 22, have put together a great feature on that history.

All of us at Downtown Visions were happy to work with WITN to put this together, I encourage everyone to take a few minutes to see the growth of our great community.

Click Here to watch the video

The next time you're walking through Downtown Wilmington, just think of the men, women, and families who have lived, celebrated, marched, mourned, worked, danced, played, and prayed here - and know that we're in the process of creating more history now.


Learn more about our history this Saturday

The city of Wilmington has played a crucial role in helping individuals escape the bonds of slavery.

This Saturday, everyone is invited to hear from Dr. James E. Newton, Professor Emeritus of Black American Studies, UD, as he talks about Delaware's role in the Underground Railroad.

The talk is scheduled for 2:00 at the Wilmington Friends Meeting House - 401 N. West Street.

quaker hill program

You can click here to learn more about the Quaker Hill Historic Preservation.

Come out Saturday to learn more about our history.
