Downtown Visions is committed to helping our Downtown Wilmington DE establishments get back to business. A number of organizations have creating funding opportunities in the wake of the pandemic to ensure our small businesses remain open for years to come. If you have any questions about which fund is right your businesses, don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction.
At Your Side Grant is a Small Business Grant Program providing grants of $5,000 to $10,000 on a competitive basis. The program will support brick-and-mortar small businesses in designated Main Street districts as they work to adapt to COVID-19 and prepare for the next phases of reopening across the country, while also helping to revitalize and strengthen older and historic commercial corridors.
NCC Winter Ready Restaurant Grants offer independent locally-owned restaurants, as well as Delaware-based franchises, grants of up to $5,000 to winterize their establishments. Any dining establishment or restaurant with an active Temporary Commercial Outdoor Sales permit through the New Castle County Department of Land Use; or an equivalent temporary or permanent permit from the City of Wilmington or other municipality located in New Castle County is permitted to apply. Please submit questions to info@committeeof100.com. Applications are currently being accepted.
City Innovation Ecosystems Commitments Program will bring informal entrepreneurs into the formal economy and providing them with the resources to grow their businesses To support small businesses citywide and to develop a system that levels the playing field for access to resources, Mayor Mike Purzycki and City Council President Hanifa Shabazz formed a partnership with the Pete du Pont Freedom Foundation, and Wilmington Alliance to participate in the National League of Cities (NLC) City Innovation Ecosystems program (CIE). Wilmington Alliance and the Pete du Pont Freedom Foundation will lead the project through the Equitable Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Wilmington (E3, Wilmington). E3 Wilmington’s mission is to build a citywide strategic coalition of partners designed to identify, vet, incubate and accelerate the launch of new businesses, with targeted focus on Black and Brown entrepreneurs.
WEDCO COVID-19 Loan Program is providing loans of up to $25,000 for small businesses impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Funds may be used to support operating expenses, enabling businesses to stay open; Change how the business operates, such as a sit-down restaurant implementing the new Delaware safety requirements or adding takeout and delivery options; or to Help small businesses restart. To apply, contact the Wilmington Economic Development Corp at info@wedco.org or visit their website for more information.
DE Relief Grants offer small businesses and nonprofit organizations grants of up to $100,000. A joint effort between the State and New Castle County, and administered through the Division of Small Business, DE Relief grants will assist Delaware small businesses and nonprofits impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds for the program come from the federal CARES Act. DE Relief Grants can be used for purchasing equipment to make a workplace suitable for COVID-19 safety; refinancing of debt incurred due to COVID-19 (including State of Delaware HELP loans); advertising efforts undertaken as a result of COVID-19; and fixed expenses the applicant accrued during COVID-19. For more information, including a webinar about the program, and to submit an application, please visit the link below. The program has begun accepting new applications as of January 2021.
Hospitality Emergency Loan Program (HELP) provides funds to Delaware businesses and nonprofits in the hospitality industry that were most significantly impacted by Coronavirus. It will make available no-interest loans of up to $10,000 per business per month. *Must have been open at least one year.
Wilmington Strong Fund is offering $1,000 grants to small businesses located within the City of Wilmington as recovery for COVID-19 and the recent civil unrest. The Fund has provided in total $117,000 to Wilmington small businesses and is still accepting applications. For questions or more information please reach out to GLantieri@westsidegrows.org.
HartBeat of America is a Main Street Grant Program that helps small business owners respond and adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, and also help to revitalize and strengthen older, historic downtown commercial districts. Grants of $5,000 to $15,000 will be awarded on a competitive and first-come, first-served basis. At least 50% of grants will benefit diverse-owned businesses, as defined by the SBA as a minority, woman, veteran, disabled, and/or LGBTQ-owned.
True Access Capital Small Business Relief/Recovery Loan Program is offering loans up to $20,000 for small businesses unable to take advantage of Federal and State relief programs for operating expenses and retooling to meet safety requirements. Loans are at 3% and may be deferred payment for up to 12 months. For more information contact Barbra Willis at bwillis@trueaccesscapital.org or call 302-652-6774, ext. 113.
Urban Development Action Grants – The City of Wilmington’s EDO has been working with UDAG to assist businesses impacted by the recent civil unrest. Questions should be directed to Sean Park at (302) 576-2131 or via email.
FINANTA Emergency Loans is a Philadelphia-based nonprofit that serves Delaware and is offering emergency loans from $5,000 to $15,000.
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Small Business Relief Grants provide COVID-19 relief for rent & utilities, payroll, outstanding debt to vendors, and technology infrastructure for remote delivery. The Round 6 application period is now open. Click here to apply. Your application must be submitted by Monday, September 7th, 11:59 p.m. ET. Before completing the application, please review the Grant Information and FAQ. Sign up for notifications for the new rounds by clicking the link below.
Victims’ Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP) is for businesses that were damaged or vandalized during civil unrest. The program assists Delawareans with crime scene cleanups (up to $1,000) and personal safety property (up to $1,500). If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please call VCAP at (302) 255-1770.
Other Resources
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) provides information on the Paycheck Protection Program loan, Economic Injury Disaster Loans, Debt Relief, other resources to support you.
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP): The PPP is an SBA-backed forgivable loan that has helped small businesses and non-profits continue to pay their employees during the COVID-19 outbreak. The SBA is releasing more Paycheck Protection Program funding as of January 2021!
Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL): EIDL helps small businesses with loans that can be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster.
SBA Express Bridge Loans: These loans allow small businesses who already have a business relationship with an SBA Express Lender to quickly access up to $25,000.
Downtown Development Districts (DDD) Rebate Program was created to leverage state resources to spur private capital investment, stimulate job growth, improve the commercial vitality of our cities and towns, and to help build a stable community of long-term residents in our downtowns and neighborhoods. Approximately $12 million in rebate funding is currently available to qualified investors. Additionally, historic tax credits and other local and state incentives are available to investors. Visit DSHA’s to download the new Fall 2020 DDD Rebate Program Guidelines and revised application materials here.
Chamber of Commerce offers a free reopening guide for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Check out the COVID-19 Reopening Guide for Small Businesses.
EDGE Grant matches grants to young Delaware small businesses through on-going rounds of a competitive selection process. STEM-based companies can receive up to $100,000 for eligible expenses, and other businesses can get up to $50,000.
Delaware Capital Access Program and State Small Business Credit Initiative Participation Loan provides financing to businesses deemed too risky for the traditional banking model due to minor collateral or credit issues.
Barclays Bank invites businesses within the City of Wilmington to compete in their annual Barclays Video Pitch Competition, similar to ABC Shark Tank & NCCC Swim With The Sharks. There will be at least five winners with the Grand Prize $5,000, possibly along with a professionally produced video that is intended for marketing. To apply, you must submit a 1-2 minute video about your business, how it would use the funds, and how it would contribute to our community and customers. The application deadline is September 1, 2020. For more details, please contact Will Minster wminster@westendnh.org, 302-658-4171 ext 142 or Kristin Bowen kbowen@westendnh.org regarding the pitch requirements or process.
*Updated as of 1/25/2021. Funds may have since been depleted. Please contact the organizations directly for specific questions.