Rental Studio

Herbert Studios Photography


219 N Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
(302) 229-7108

Capturing Stunning Images for Corporate Clients with Camera and Drone Expertise! Corporate Advertising + Marketing Photography Studio located in the Greater Philadelphia area. Clients include Major Corporations and Market Leaders in Consumer, Industrial and Building Products.
Buyers: Creative Directors, Architects, Interior Designers, Marketing Managers, Entrepreneurs, Product Managers – and Medium to Small Business Owners.

Studio on Market


219 N Market Street
Wilmington DE 19801
(302) 229-7108

Studio on Market is a centralized hub for the photographer and artist community.

Offering a full range of professional services to the photographer community which include:

-Meeting and studio space rentals: hourly, half and full day
-Monthly memberships available
-Gallery space available on a monthly showing basis
-Host location for the monthly Wilmington Art Loop
-Host location for monthly workshops, seminars, meet & greets and shootouts
-Equipment rentals

Conveniently located in the new artist district, LOMA, just a few minutes off of I-95. The perfect centralized location to meet your clients within the region.