In a day and age where things seem disposable, Michael Flood has been bringing old soles back to life since the young age of 16, when he began learning the trade.
With a charming small shop in downtown Wilmington, called Show Tech, I stopped by to drop off some information but was quickly struck by the amount of customers coming in and out. Recalling my favorite purse slung across my shoulder was being held together by a safety pin, I put it on the counter. Doubtful, I asked, "Can you fix this?"
"Of course, that would be easy, it'll be done by this afternoon," Mr. Flood explained.
The purse was as good as new. From now on, instead of thinking I need something new when a favorite pair of shoes or purse breaks, I'll take them to Shoe Tech first.
I encourage you to take a look in your closet and see if there is a long lost treasure that you would love to have repaired. Take it to 111 W 9th street and you will not be disappointed. Check out these impressive before and after images!