Wilmington de

Join Women Bike Wilmington's First Ride this Saturday!


Bike Wilmington member Sarah Lester from West Side Grows Together was inspired by similar groups in other cities to launch an informal women’s bike ride/ ride series.  Sarah’s goal is to get more women out riding in Wilmington and socializing together.  As such, she is organizing the first event of the group this Saturday, September 23rd at 11 AM. 

It includes a 10 mile loop beginning and ending at De La Coeur on Lovering Avenue, ending with an afternoon coffee or pastry.  As for now, the group is called Women Bike Wilmington but Sarah is working on a more creative name, which she will be glad to share on Saturday!


Your City, Your Park, Help it Come to Life!

Photo Courtesy of Spaceboy Clothing

Photo Courtesy of Spaceboy Clothing

Humble Park at the corner of 4th & Shipley is about to not be so "humble" anymore! Thanks to a collaboration between The City of Wilmington, Downtown Visions and Sanchez of Spaceboy Clothing, the park will soon be filled with vendors, art and entertainment! 

The press is excited for what is to come, and the park is already receiving attention from Technical. ly Delaware and The News Journal! The very first event is a comedy show, scheduled for August 25th at 7 PM and we need YOUR help to prepare! Join your fellow neighbors and business owners in cleaning up the space for everyone to enjoy! We will be meeting on Saturday, August 12th from 9 AM- 1 PM. Feel free to let us know you are coming through our Facebook Event and be sure to spread the word by inviting your friends. This is your chance to be a part of the renaissance happening in your city!

Wilmington DE Community

Each future event at the park will not only provide incredible entertainment, it will be giving back to those who need it most. A hot dog stand ran by the Wilmington-based Rick VanStory Resource Center, a recovery-oriented peer center for people with psychiatric disabilities will provide food for sale for each of the shows. Additionally, each of the shows will be free to the public, and have a fundraising effort on-site for a special cause. The show on the 25th will raise funds for Ramona Robinson of Wilmington, who is battling breast cancer and is a family member of Sanchez of Spaceboy.

Have an idea for the park, or want to help contribute to its positive future that is going to affect hundreds of Wilmingtonians? Let us know!

Click the image above to watch a short video provide by Delaware Online on all of the progress made by the generous volunteers!

Click the image above to watch a short video provide by Delaware Online on all of the progress made by the generous volunteers!

Follow Spaceboy on Facebook and Instagram

Post by Julia Mason of Enthusiasm Lab

Next Fab Wilmington's New Playground for Creatives

Wilmington DE Next Fab Creative makerspace

Creatives rejoice! Your exclusive clubhouse is now right in your backyard and offers a multi platform innovative space for you to make your wildest ideas a reality!

Have you ever had a brilliant idea but wasn't sure how to execute it, or where to start?

Next Fab is the answer. Newly opened at 503 N Tatnall Street, Wilmington, DE, Next Fab has all the tools you need from creating your piece to getting it on shelves and in front of the public.

Offering eight unique membership options, Next Fab has something for everyone. From the individual who wants to dip their toes in the water and explore a particular trade or class, to the full-blown corporation that needs a creative space and the newest technology available. You can even bring your visionary child, ages  10-17 to set their imagination on fire!

makers space wilmington de

When you join, you have access to all three Next Fab locations. The one in Wilmington specifically offers 3D printing and scanning, design software, electronics, laser cutting, engraving and a state-of-the-art woodworking facility.  The additional facilities also offer textiles, jewelry making, metalworking and 2D printing and photography. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, but know you have a stellar idea? They can even make the products for you!

What separates Next Fab from the competition is their team. Comprised of life-long tradesmen and women, their human knowledge resource cannot be beat. They are willing to drill down the process and make it as easy as possible for you to make your dream project a reality. 

What we love? The Next Fab team and members have collaborated on some extraordinary projects to change the world.  From creating specialized helmets to deaf/hearing impaired assistive devices, solving current issues with futuristic technology is happening at Next Fab. While touring the facility we even got to see some 3D printed "whistles" that are used by the paralyzed to communicate.

Next Fab has already started making an impact in Wilmington, helping create the Wilmington Green Box Kiosk. 

We can't wait to see what the ingenious individuals of our city come up with next at Next Fab!!

Check out the latest items created at Next Fab.


Learn more about joining Next Fab and their classes.

Follow Next Fab on Facebook.

Follow Next Fab on Instagram

Post by Julia Mason of Enthusiasm Lab

next fab wilmington de
Next Fab Wilmington DE